being watched. Everybody's being monitored. But
paranoia isn't going to mess up my dinner. No way... The Eagles sang:
“You can check out anytime you like / But you can never leave.”
That's how it goes in the Free World. That's how it goes in America.
Swipe your credit card, pass by airport security, send out an email,
text your lawyer etc—once the machine buzzes, you're counted,
you're in. If you're not hiding shit, why worry? Everybody's going to
be screened anyways—from the White House chief resident to the
homeless dude who logged in at a public library in Juneau, Alaska.
Wanna escape from Big Bro's piercing laser eyes? Get off the highway
and walk, chuck the plastic card, change your name to Lookipadooki,
wear an invisible hoodie, and move up to the Himalayas (where, by the
way, Buddhist monks also google stuff. Wanna “friend” them?)
I worried about my privacy? NO. I am worried about other irritants
but not some ninja out to steal my hummus sandwich. Give me 1 million
more FB “friends,” I'll relish it! Enjoy my words, share my
poetry, meet my kids, try this cool recipe, sing along with me, look!
the koolcat just brought in a baby dragon! FUN. Those who know me
longer, knows that I am a reclusive bat—ask me questions about an
ex, expect a rude response. There's limit to what we can share here,
but that's a personal decision—what is “private” and what
isn't. Know what to give away, know what to keep (at least for the
time being). Common sense. It's all in a day's time out there.
online is like hanging out at the park on a Saturday afternoon.
Sharing stuff is like talking on the mic in front of a crowd. So is
it possible to say: “My name is Pasckie Pascua, my passport name is
George Alfredo Pascua, 53 years old next Tuesday, a father of 4,
heterosexual, loves the Bee Gees, eats ramens, got the hots for women
with hips. Oh BTW, I just hurt my pinkie in the bathroom at 4:13.04
AM, any advice how to ease the pain? Jeez, I realize I need to buy
babedawg food. You know, I really hate my neighbor's ex mom in law
because she looks like my ex of 65 years ago!
listen, those infos are strictly—and I mean it—STRICTLY for my
four chosen friends only. Weebo, Keebo, Feebo and Beebo... (mic
feedback, brrrr!)... Damn, I am sorry for that feedback guys, this
mic sucks! Sorry, I sound really awful this morning. Allergies, you
know... See you in 15 seconds, bye!”
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