THROUGH the years, my flailing romantic bravado, I must admit, has been
considerably supplanted by sharp pragmatism. It's a good thing
though. I can see more reason or smart-sense now than what it was in
my youth (so I thought, hmmm...) In our younger years, love was an
ice cream confection under a full moon, dreamy. In our older years,
oh well...
times these days, I come across lovers with a sweet litany of “I
found my soulmate at last!” or “We are engaged, I can't believe
it!” Then after a few months (or weeks), I hear “What a sick
jerk, schizophrenic!” or “I'd rather be with my cat,
relationships with humans suck!” But of course, I know of a number
of friends who've gone past the irksome hawing, heaving and hassles
and actually live/d together happily and hopefully, ever after. Let
me talk about those who weren't so good at crossing the initial
barrier—a month, 6 weeks, or maybe 1 or 2 years (of dating).
believe sometimes we over-idealize love in the context of
relationship than actually “realizing” it as a
hit-and-miss/do-it-again interface of rampaging hormones,
sensibilities and sensitivities. A relationship (or even a
friendship) is not an over-the-counter commodity or Apple app that is
ready-to-go, one click we are done. It is always a working project...
Sure, at first we tend to get enamored by paralleled wavelengths—like
a sweet commonality of culinary faves like a shared dinner of purple
hummus on one plate, or synchronized footwork on late-70s disco
psychedelia, or the same agreeable liking for Ray Reddington's
good-bad persona. But these are mere icings, facades, largely
superficial hooks—likes and dislikes that are mostly dating-site
common fault of lovers on “honeymoon” phase is the “unrealistic”
belief that one can be him/herself on the get go just “because
he/she wasn't allowed or had the freedom to be that person” in the
past relationhip/s. That is expected of lovers, of course. But we
need to be real here. No matter how two people enjoy the bliss of a
sexual tryst on the first few months or maybe you two are one in
looking at Obamacare, religious “fascism” or GMO-issues,
still—those are the surface of it all. Compromise and negotiation
get in confused fray—as two people try to sustain a relationship
and stay longer together. Presence is important. But presence reveals
flaws and faults, imperfections and irritations that shake and rattle
a relationship. In case you are used to a 2-day or 7-hour alone time
when single, excise total control of the TV remote while living with
an obedient dog only, or used to hangin' out with the boys (or girls)
on Friday night till 3 AM—there should be a level, a good level, of
give-and-take and surrender/acceptance situation here. Are you
willing to give those up, your so-called “individuality,” at
least—as compromises are put on the table?
you allow him/her to rearrange whoever's house (both decide to live
in) to suit a partnership than, “This is my room, that is yours”
or “I am OCD, I can find my little receipts in a rubble of books
and McDonald's cups” or “I like the yard like that, like Naked
and Afraid location shoot.” Or “I am spontaneous and loose” as
against “You are regimented and uptight.” Or “You are
controlling me” or “I am not going to be manipulated.” Why not
find a way to figure out the sheer pleasures and easy convenience of
whatever/wherever individual madness or personal truths you want to
pursue? Remember, there are two people here, not one—and no two
people are the same, even twins collide. But whatever we enjoy and
relish alone may not work anymore, or had to be adjusted, when put
how do we resolve all these? Simple (although lovers tend to “blind”
themselves). If a relationship doesn't make a person a better individual and only
ruins her or dumps you in stagnation, quit. That'd be the time to
give it all up. Life can be an uncomplicated equation, if you want it
that way. So don't complicate it. If you can't co-exist with another
set of exploding chakras and unaligned “madnesses.” just let go
and move on. Be happy than confused. Maybe a koolcat beside you in
front of “Game of Thrones” is better. You reckon?
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