Saturday, June 29, 2024

The Divide that we Widen.

Response to a friend's Facebook post.

SO much (self-destructive) division in America. Eerie. I didn't realize this until I lived here (yup, I wasn't “born and bred” in these parts). No wonder the US isn't as powerful anymore as it was. "Divided we fall." The perfect alibi is Donald Trump. His 4 years didn't see taxpayer money tossed to wars and he had a better handle of the economy. 

       Mr Trump's crass personality is the ideal excuse for the wide crack in US society, not the mirror in front of us. I came from a country which is almost 90 percent Catholic though there are dozens of Christian denominations with diverse, even contrary practices. A major island is Muslim. 

       Yet I didn't experience this kind of American animosity between/among creeds. It is VERY offensive and disrespectful to slur any religion. In my band our lead vocalist was Muslim (who wore the burqa, dad is an Imam). We had Jehovah's and Mormons in a Catholic school where they are allowed to observe their Faith (like no attendance in flag ceremonies, no ROTC, served their choice of food in the school cantina etc). No argument. 

       I also lived in Japan where Shinto is the majority. The friendliest people. My devout Catholic aunt (actually 3 aunts and 5 cousins) are married to Shinto. No problem. They observe their religions or interface them inside the house. Home. 

       My cousin works/lives in Qatar. Arab Muslim yet majority of the people are expatriates or non-Qatari; they coexist and work together to make Qatar the richest or 2nd richest nation (behind Luxembourg) per capita. 

       America is obviously rich as evidenced not just by many benefits and relatively better way of life but as proven by billions$ spent in wars and bailouts to giant corporations etc. 

REASON why we fight or slur Christians in our midst? We are so bored in comfort we implode in hate? So America popped pills with alcohol to sustain the anger till it explodes out there in deadly hate? 

       I used to organize many fun events to gather a diversity of people in music, dancing, and food. Not anymore. I am afraid that the convergence that I create may be used as a platform of hate and with 120.5 ownership of guns per 100 Americans? Nope. 


I ENJOY America for its joy, privileges and beauty. Mere fact that my two (women) BFFs are both Conservatives yet who practice diverse Christian rituals and way of life--while I am a longtime Leftist with strong political beliefs and a Margii who prays and meditates with a Bible in my room (my huge family here and back home and elsewhere are Church going Catholics)--means peace is possible in friendships and family with diverse gods or goddesses. 

       How would I fall into boredom and start slurring people with contrary thoughts and views when there's much to enjoy? Streaming TV, land for gardening, dogs and cats, nonstop Bee Gees. I eat dinner with my housemates twice a week and pray before eating. I mean 15 seconds of praying when I used to pray a much longer and redundant Rosary with grandma twice a day and I used to group meditate with Margiis in India thrice a day (before we mass-fed in poor villages of Hindus and Muslims). 

       Cool or peace or the freedom to attain them is indeed a huge political caterwaul in America. 🏛🗽🏛

Thursday, June 27, 2024

All About Ships.

Response to a friend's Facebook post.

WHAT matters is what or who produces the raw materials to build ships. Aluminum: China, India, Russia. Steel: China, India, Japan, US, Russia. Brass: Italy, South Korea, Germany, China. 

       Obviously, China has all these and they also build as a priority over exporting the materials. Same case with topmost "ingredients" per "green economy." China has a lot of lithium (for EV manufacture) and silicon (for microchips). So China is #1 in EVs (BYD over Tesla, although Elon Musk buys lithium in China via his factory in Shanghai).

       Meanwhile, China has already solidified its trade partnership (per silicon/semiconductors) with Taiwan. No brainer: They are blood kin, the One-China rhetoric is just political blah sideshow. Sure, Joe Biden is worried that China will clog the global market of "green economy" exports after the US sank $6.6 billion and $6.4 billion investment with Taiwan's TSMC and South Korea’s Samsung for factories in Texas + huge ass tax incentives and bailouts to local/US manufacturers. 

       But Joe employs an annoying hawkish tact to break the Chinese though he also sent Treasury chief Janet Yellen and State secretary Antony Blinken to Beijing to confer or negotiate. How can Janet and Antony deal with stuff when their boss keeps on derailing talks with his dirty mouth and "security threat" intrigues. 

       And now the Philippines is expectedly dragged as a pawn in that pissing drama in the South China Sea. That is Washington's brinkmanship playbook at work, for them. Not us, Filipinos. 

       The Chinese are not that stupid to bite the bait. Check, why would the US hand Taiwan military aid (most recently, packaged with aid to Ukraine and Israel)? First, Taiwan is rich. It doesn't need aid. But hey why not, they now got a factory in Texas. The Chinese (China or Taiwan): It's all business. No war. Refer to Sun Tzu. His art of war is about defeating the "enemy," without fighting. 🛳🚢

Thursday, June 13, 2024

TAXES and Stuff.

Response to a friend's Facebook posts.

I ALWAYS come across anti-rich memes that talk about “taxing the rich” as though they don't pay taxes at all. Clearly, the message refers to “wealth tax” or tax specifically imposed on the upper 1 percent in the income bracket.

       Fact is, majority of countries, rich or poor, don't impose wealth tax. Some in Europe impose very low as in 1 percent or 0.7 percent.        

       The highest wealth tax is excised by Luxembourg (7.18 percent over tax revenue) and Switzerland (4.77 percent). All others impose tax per personal income tax. Russia, 13 percent. U.S., 10 to 37 percent. China, 3 to 45 percent. 

       Corporate tax: U.S., 21 percent. Europe, 21.3 percent. Asia average, 19.80 percent. China, 25 percent. Saudi Arabia, 20 percent. 

       Anyhow, high tax or low tax, what matters is how a government uses taxes. The U.S. spends too much taxpayer money on military spending: $825 billion (750 military bases abroad) versus China's $231.4 billion (1 military base, in Djibouti) and Russia's $109 billion (21 military bases). 🏛🗽🏛

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Trump Theater.

THE wild circus that is American politics, as currently curated by Joe Biden per the New Left's hate Trump plotpoint. More courtroom episodes are upcoming as we near November.

       For the meantime, let’s talk about the salacious kind: Extramarital shenanigan. 

       What is worse per married men's gallivanting dicks that qualifies as presidential courtroom drama? “Hush money” to a sex worker or oral sex royale in the Oval Office? My pragmatic take: Sex workers deserve pay as a job transaction to quiet them or as bonus fee for exemplary service. Convicted! 

       Yet "obstruction of justice" to prosecute sexual shenanigans inside a White House room? I guess, American law forgives that kind of mischief? Not a crime? Wasn't the case of then young Monica Lewinsky an example of blatant abuse of presidential power? 

       And what about Ted Kennedy in 1969’s fatal Chappaquidick accident? A young woman died. A mistress? Or the Kennedy boys' many sexual, extramarital bad?  

NEW York justice? This: 1990. Imelda Marcos, the widow of the former Philippine President, was acquitted of charges that she raided the country's treasury and invested the money in the United States. 

       I am a Filipino. The Marcos family dictatorship was 20 years. Must I enumerate their crimes? I’d say laundering taxpayer money in New York City structures is simply at the bottom of their evil heap. Yet, America’s jury system said she wasn’t guilty? 

MEANWHILE, what is so hot and high on cheating presidents! Or gallivanting politicians? Were we born yesterday? LOL! 

       Sure, we know the U.S. Constitution doesn’t bar felons or those convicted of a crime (even if they are actually jailed) from running as President of the United States. Two previous candidates, Eugene V. Debs in 1920, and Lyndon LaRouche in 1992, both ran from prison. 

       The cold fact that scares Mr Trump’s enemies: He leads the run up polls to Nov. No way that Mr Biden, who failed in all counts of Potus leadership, can win this coming election. 

       True, after the Stormy conviction, Joe slightly edged Don in a Yahoo!News survey. But I don't think that'd hold. Mr Biden's failures are too accentuated to ignore.

EXPECTEDLY, there will be more court gigs thrown at Donald Trump apart from those that are ongoing. Crime? Maybe. I am no Constitution expert or legal whatever. Yet the political intentions are not so hard not to believe.

       The ex-president's foreign policy was fine albeit unorthodox. He scored some victories while Joe Biden keeps on failing.

       The bigger issue, however? Donald Trump is vehemently anti NATO. He is understandably hated by most hawkish Western leaders.

THE U.S. and European Union have upgraded military aid to Ukraine, hoping a longer war would deplete Russia's resources. Which is a terribly bad calculation. 

       As we speak, E.U. biggies are still buying natural gas from Gazprom and the U.S., Russian oil out India etcetera. Also, there’ s the expanded BRICS to back Moscow up. Including their allies, that is already a huge market. 

       Israel and Gaza? Bibi Netanyahu is friendlier to Vladimir Putin than with Joe Biden; Mr Trump is friendly to Mr Putin. That could be explored to end the deadly tempest in Gaza. Add that The D is cool with Saudi Arabia, de facto leader of the Arab League  and who is now friends of Iran. That could be explored to cool out Tehran and Syria. 

       And of course Trump doesn't dig "arms for oil" bilateral deals over peace talks by way of economics. Yes, a leader with a dirty mouth favors peace; a leader who feigns coolness tosses billions$ of taxpayer money to be wasted in war's destruction and deaths.   

       Economy? Donald Trump's score amid pandemic was a lot better than Joe's average output in 3.5 years. Do I give a hoot to presidential extramarital mischief as they run a nation? Nope. That is the wife's case. Divorce the dude.

But hey POTUS is supposedly the leader of the free world. So end the damn Ukraine war and killing of Palestinians. American can stop those. But the country is too eerily divided to offer a majority stand. Donald Trump Showtime is more interesting to many, it seems. 🏛🗽🏛