Sunday, June 9, 2024

Trump Theater.

THE wild circus that is American politics, as currently curated by Joe Biden per the New Left's hate Trump plotpoint. More courtroom episodes are upcoming as we near November.

       For the meantime, let’s talk about the salacious kind: Extramarital shenanigan. 

       What is worse per married men's gallivanting dicks that qualifies as presidential courtroom drama? “Hush money” to a sex worker or oral sex royale in the Oval Office? My pragmatic take: Sex workers deserve pay as a job transaction to quiet them or as bonus fee for exemplary service. Convicted! 

       Yet "obstruction of justice" to prosecute sexual shenanigans inside a White House room? I guess, American law forgives that kind of mischief? Not a crime? Wasn't the case of then young Monica Lewinsky an example of blatant abuse of presidential power? 

       And what about Ted Kennedy in 1969’s fatal Chappaquidick accident? A young woman died. A mistress? Or the Kennedy boys' many sexual, extramarital bad?  

NEW York justice? This: 1990. Imelda Marcos, the widow of the former Philippine President, was acquitted of charges that she raided the country's treasury and invested the money in the United States. 

       I am a Filipino. The Marcos family dictatorship was 20 years. Must I enumerate their crimes? I’d say laundering taxpayer money in New York City structures is simply at the bottom of their evil heap. Yet, America’s jury system said she wasn’t guilty? 

MEANWHILE, what is so hot and high on cheating presidents! Or gallivanting politicians? Were we born yesterday? LOL! 

       Sure, we know the U.S. Constitution doesn’t bar felons or those convicted of a crime (even if they are actually jailed) from running as President of the United States. Two previous candidates, Eugene V. Debs in 1920, and Lyndon LaRouche in 1992, both ran from prison. 

       The cold fact that scares Mr Trump’s enemies: He leads the run up polls to Nov. No way that Mr Biden, who failed in all counts of Potus leadership, can win this coming election. 

       True, after the Stormy conviction, Joe slightly edged Don in a Yahoo!News survey. But I don't think that'd hold. Mr Biden's failures are too accentuated to ignore.

EXPECTEDLY, there will be more court gigs thrown at Donald Trump apart from those that are ongoing. Crime? Maybe. I am no Constitution expert or legal whatever. Yet the political intentions are not so hard not to believe.

       The ex-president's foreign policy was fine albeit unorthodox. He scored some victories while Joe Biden keeps on failing.

       The bigger issue, however? Donald Trump is vehemently anti NATO. He is understandably hated by most hawkish Western leaders.

THE U.S. and European Union have upgraded military aid to Ukraine, hoping a longer war would deplete Russia's resources. Which is a terribly bad calculation. 

       As we speak, E.U. biggies are still buying natural gas from Gazprom and the U.S., Russian oil out India etcetera. Also, there’ s the expanded BRICS to back Moscow up. Including their allies, that is already a huge market. 

       Israel and Gaza? Bibi Netanyahu is friendlier to Vladimir Putin than with Joe Biden; Mr Trump is friendly to Mr Putin. That could be explored to end the deadly tempest in Gaza. Add that The D is cool with Saudi Arabia, de facto leader of the Arab League  and who is now friends of Iran. That could be explored to cool out Tehran and Syria. 

       And of course Trump doesn't dig "arms for oil" bilateral deals over peace talks by way of economics. Yes, a leader with a dirty mouth favors peace; a leader who feigns coolness tosses billions$ of taxpayer money to be wasted in war's destruction and deaths.   

       Economy? Donald Trump's score amid pandemic was a lot better than Joe's average output in 3.5 years. Do I give a hoot to presidential extramarital mischief as they run a nation? Nope. That is the wife's case. Divorce the dude.

But hey POTUS is supposedly the leader of the free world. So end the damn Ukraine war and killing of Palestinians. American can stop those. But the country is too eerily divided to offer a majority stand. Donald Trump Showtime is more interesting to many, it seems. 🏛🗽🏛

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