Saturday, January 18, 2025

Fact Checks and Mark Z. and Stuff.

From my chat with friends on Facebook.

WHY is Mark Zuckerback and Facebook “fact checks” so big a deal? People believe or click/share whatever they want to believe, especially political memes or links. Fact or fake. Social media is not New York Times etc. Difference is Facebook posts are written by ordinary people; NY Times reports, by professional (or paid) journalists. But FB or NY Times feeds both elicit individual readings or common sense.

Meanwhile, for our own individual convenience or pleasure, we fact check stuff whatever is tossed at us. I believe that's the way it has always been. Whether FB fact checks or not, we still need to dig things up. Although the common trend is people click/share as long as the post/meme satisfies their partisan/political angst. They don't really care about facts/fakes.

Facebook Friend 1: “Good point. We aren't babes in the woods anymore. We understand Fake News and that everything in print or on TV is not necessarily true. Don't we?” / Facebook Friend 2: “We do. But there are a lot of ppl that don’t. They’re too lazy to pick up a book or do some more research than the meme that is in front of them. It’s truly sad.”

ISN’T that what it is these days? That's just the way the media has evolved. In fact, even traditional/mainstream media's reportage has become (blatantly) subjective or opinionated or angled towards a preferred party politics. And the choice of front page news has also turned ridiculous. (A celeb's new dog is news or a parent cracking an egg on a kid's head is viral.)

       True, others don't double check stuff but I don't think that'd be others' worry. LOL! In fact they're cool clicking and sharing inane memes. Their daily entertainment. Even if you tell them "That is fake!" as long as the post feeds their political zealotry, they'd carry on and even insult you for correcting the data. Before Mr Zuckerberg’s announcement, I don't think FB ever "fact checked" or if it did, still they let go posts/memes that are massively clicked (regardless it is fake). 👧📱🧒

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